Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Incredipaws: Day 2

Masters Gamblers:
Bentley: I knew before we even started that Bentley couldn't get this gamble.  Way too hard!  I decided to just work his contacts and then see if I could get him to weave without me.  Success!

Lexi: In retrospect, I think Lexi could have done this if I had turned her to the first jump rather than sent her straight (the second jump was a bit off the line, so a turn would have helped her to see it).  I still think she did well (but was a bit naughty on the a-frame contact, she came off early!)

Masters Standard:
Bentley:  Alert!  Handler error!  Alert!  Jonathan went way too wide to get Bentley as he exited the tunnel and then couldn't push him to the a-frame.  Not a lot of Qs on this course, but I know Bentley was capable of it.  The rest of the run was nice (I especially liked his teeter, as he has a tendency to stop short).

Advanced Standard:

Lexi: Do you like my new move?  The "sheltie push ACK GET OUT!" is what I call it-ha!  I babysat her tunnel entrance at the beginning too much, and therefore almost didn't make it to cue the correct end of the tunnel.  And then I got flustered and was in the wrong position and clearly cued the tunnel when it should have been the a-frame--Alert!  Handler error!  The she broke her contact, so I made sure to mark it (hence why the next few seconds are ugly because I wanted her to know that she made a mistake).  I have to say, though, that her table looked great all weekend. After the table I just busted my butt and I think she handled really nicely!

Masters Pairs:

Bentley & Lexi Q:  We got to run together!  How fun!  And since in USDAA you can only have 1 Q with a partner, so we won't be partners again for a long time!  Anyways, it went well.  Lexi's weave entry was nice, though she was none too pleased that she had to stand there and watch Bentley run!    Oh, and this was Bentley's Relay Master title!

Masters Snooker:
Bentley Q:  Because Bentley doesn't really need Snooker Qs, Jonathan likes to try to accumulate as many points as possible.  So, here he tried all 7s and almost made it!  He hurried Bentley at the end and Bentley lost his footing on the teeter, so he bailed.  Everyone was cheering for him.  He's such a good little snooker dog!

Lexi Q:  Jonathan wanted Lexi on his right so that he could make sure that she didn't take the red coming out of the tunnel.  Unfortunately, it put him in a place where he didn't cue the a-frame in time, and Lexi went around it.  But, because he did all 7s in the opening, she still Qd.  Hooray!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic runs from Bentley and Lexi! They are both amazing. I am really admire you and Jonathan can run both dogs and they still run very well with anyone of you!
