Hi Ashley, Rosie (Eva's human sister) here. Just thought you might be interested in entering a photo contest. All you have to do is REGISTER as a user on Waglinked.com then post a photo of your dog doing any type of dog sport, (e.g. agility in your case) and then get people to vote. Winner gets $50. I'm helping the woman running this advertise so would be grateful if you could enter, if it doesn't take too much of your time. Thanks!!! https://www.facebook.com/waglinked
ReplyDeleteGood way to cool off!
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice place to go wild!
ReplyDeleteHi Ashley,
ReplyDeleteRosie (Eva's human sister) here.
Just thought you might be interested in entering a photo contest.
All you have to do is REGISTER as a user on Waglinked.com then post a photo of your dog doing any type of dog sport, (e.g. agility in your case) and then get people to vote. Winner gets $50.
I'm helping the woman running this advertise so would be grateful if you could enter, if it doesn't take too much of your time. Thanks!!!