Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A bit behind! May LCDA Trial

We've moved (from SC to OH!), so I've fallen very behind in my blogging.  I'm going to slowly update.

In May we participated in our very last agility trial at Low Country Dog Agility.  I will definitely miss all of our friends.  It was so nice to be surrounded by a group of people that have been with us since the beginning of our agility journey.

Bentley had a nice weekend. He (finally!) got his Jumpers Master title with his 5th Masters Jumpers Q, and his Snooker Champion (10 Masters Snooker Qs which includes 3 SuperQs). He also got a Masters Pairs Q. Oh! And even better...in Masters Standard he only had 1 refusal one day! It wasn't pretty by any means, but he did get both contacts. Hooray.

When we move he is going to contact boot camp (in the yard!)

In the end, Lexi got her Starters Gamblers title with her 3rd Q, and she also got Qs in Starters Pairs, Starters Standard, and Starters Snooker. She now just needs 1 more Standard Q to get her AD (Agility Dog) title. And she was SO close this weekend...she misjudged a jump completely and the bar dropped.

Obviously she has some collection issues, but she honestly did great for a baby dog and I couldn't be more proud!

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