Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 19

No video today!  We took Bentley up to the field to work with him after Lexi's intro class (she is such a little terror!)  And it turns out that other people were there to do some run-thrus, and we didn't want to monopolize the course.  So we did a quick little practice, maybe 15-20 reps sans camera.

I don't know what happened, but he didn't do too great.  Probably around 75% accuracy.  We didn't raise the dogwalk, and last time at the same height he did great (93% if I remember correctly).  On a positive note, I was able to send him with some distance between me and the obstacle (that's a very good thing for him!)

I think that sitting in his crate barking for an hour beforehand really got him worked up, and he was very excited. I'm not sure what to think.  I'll just chalk it up to a bad day...but I'm going to monitor him very closely tomorrow and the days to follow to make sure that it isn't a pattern or habit that he's getting into.

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